Part 1: 50 fun & interesting activities to do outside of work that can boost your self-discovery

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Consider for yourself the following question:

When was the last time that you tried a new activity, that wasn’t meant to directly advance your work/job/career or overall productivity?

Did you answer “I don’t know,” or “a while ago?”

Did that question produce a pang of longing from some neglected part of yourself/soul/spirit?

Did you answer “last week!” only to realize it was just watching TV or drinking with friends?

Did you answer “all the time!” only to realize that nearly everything you did was for other people, and hardly ever for your own self-discovery?

If you’re like most people, self-discovery is not a high on the totem pole thing, alongside spending time on work and with friends and family, or just plan old “turning off.”

Now, there is nothing at all wrong with doing those things, and moreover they are each tremendously important to our self-fulfillment; however, problems can arise if we end up investing little-to-no time for discovering more about ourselves and what parts of life we enjoy and find meaningful, in-between time spent working, with friends/family, or turning off.

This is especially an important consideration for those who find themselves beginning to wander down the existential path of questioning during the third-life crisis age (~29-39), or that of the quarter-life crisis (~18-28), or mid-life crisis (~40-59).

The following is part 1 of a 2-part list of 50 custom-curated and diverse activities that are fun, interesting, active, and expansive, and can either directly or indirectly help you actually create the space for self-reflection and self-discovery, to learn more about yourself and what brings you meaning. This list is not just another series of activities that simply exist to fill the space of time in-between working, seeing friends/family, and sleeping. This list is also not just a set of self-discovery quizzes or writing prompts, such as writing a bucket list (although those are also helpful, too).

So go ahead, check out the list, pick out one or two of these activity and hobby ideas to do outside of work and try them for yourself! See what self-reflection and self-discovery happens for you in the process.


Part 2: 50 fun & interesting activities to do outside of work that can boost your self-discovery


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